
We are a group of individuals brought together by Jimmy Walter (pictured at left), dedicated to opening a real investigation into the the tragic attacks on September 11, 2001. Read Mr Walter's Open Letter on 9/11. Watch his introduction to our FREE video, "Confronting the Evidence: A Call to Reopen the 911 Investigation."
Watch clip from Geraldo Rivera show (broadband only)

Our intention is to bring awareness to new available evidence, and to birth a grassroots movement into further seeking the truth of 911. This movement continues to develop in commitment, passion and determination. At ReOpen911.org we work to unite people who are interested in our mission regardless of political party, race, color, sex, age, religion, political affiliation, sexual orientation, national origin or any other differences. We are non-partisan in the true sense of the word in that we are Republicans, Libertarians, Objectivists, Democrats, Socialists, and Greens.

We realize there is no change for the better unless people unite to make it happen. This has been proven time and again throughout history. The most important societal improvements have always come from grassroots movements: The PEOPLE insisted. Remember, the politicians didn't lead, they followed, once they knew their constituencies insisted upon change.

This organization was founded and underwritten by Jimmy Walter, an extraordinary individual who has generously given his time and resources to work in a positive and meaningful way. For more information on Jimmy and his background, please click here.

For more information on how you can become a part of this critical movement, and participate, please volunteer or contact us.

Thank you for taking the time to read and learn about our organization. We welcome you and you efforts to help us prevent any further attacks. If, after browsing our information, you believe, as we do, that further investigations are warranted, then please take a moment to sign our petition. And please send this site to at least 5 friends. Together we can unite all Americans and make this world a safer place. Thank you again.