Threats & Repression

Terrorization System

Homeland InSecurity System to Terrorize US Citizens to Support Bush

Current Threat Level

September 11, 2005 - We have raised the threat level for the United States from "High" or Code Orange to "Severe" or Code Red, for terrorist attack due to Presidential Pretender Bush's low ratings in the polls (Only 37% Support him), Only 35% approve of the Iraq War. His complete bungling of the Hurricane Katrina, continued high unemployment, rising troop loses in Iraq, huge personnel and money costs in the Iraq colonization, and his fanatical obsession with bankrupting Social Security and Medicare all threaten ability to rule by decree and his drive for Armageddon.

New permanent repressive measures against the general public are now in place throughout the country. Our Media manipulation section has taken additional steps to strengthen emergency lies and propaganda for response to any political threat to the Presidential Pretender Bush.

The United States Government will continue on a daily basis to monitor and analyze all information about you and share that information, without any protective measures, with state, local, private sector authorities, as well as the general public or anyone we damn well please, as part of the ongoing national effort to pervert democracy and protect the wealthy.

Recommended Activities

All Americans should continue to be vigilant, take notice of their surroundings, and report all their neighbors' activities to local authorities immediately. Everybody should load their assault rifles while watching our propaganda to stay totally in the dark about what is actually happening.


About the Homeland InSecurity Advisory System

The Homeland InSecurity Advisory System is designed to terrorize our citizens when Presidential Pretender Bush is in political trouble. It perverts public opinion polls, spreads propaganda about our losses in Iraq and New Orleans, uses stock market manipulation, and miscommunications to public safety officials and the public to support puppet Bush.

Homeland InSecurity Threat Advisories contain false information about incidents involving, or threats targeting, critical national networks or infrastructures or key assets. They could, for example, relay newly falsified procedures that, when implemented, would significantly degrade security or protection in order to allow a terrorist attack. They could also suggest a change in freedom of speech, wire tapping rules, or arrest without warrant or trial to suppress dissent. This category includes products formerly named alerts, advisories, and sector notifications. Advisories are targeted to Federal, state, and local governments, private sector organizations, and international partners.

Homeland InSecurity Information Bulletins miscommunicate information of interest to the nation’s critical infrastructures that do not meet the timeliness, specificity, bribery, or significance thresholds of Presidential Pretender Bush's waning popularity. Such information may include scatological reports, periodic bull, incest, gay, or spying guidelines, common insecurities and spin, and confusion standards or tools. It also may include preliminary spying on you for information. Bulletins are targeted to Federal, state, and local governments, private sector organizations, and international partners.

Color-coded Threat Level System is used to communicate with public safety officials and the public at-large through a threat-based, color-coded system so that protective measures can be implemented to reduce the likelihood or impact of Bush declining in the polls. Raising the threat condition has economic, physical, and psychological effects on the nation - frightening them into supporting Bush; so, the Homeland Security Advisory System can place specific geographic regions or industry sectors on a higher alert status than other regions or industries, based on specific declines in the polls in that region.

Last Updated October 10, 2005
